Full Moon in Capricorn in Dhanistha Nakshtra. Finding your Rhythm

As the moon makes its way to directly oppose the Sun in the Zodiac, it reflects a full sphere of light, creating the full Moon. Today on its journey through Sidereal Capricorn it is in the constellation of Sravana which in its highest expression represents deep listening, silence, the integration of wisdom, and careful, considered re-organization. 

By 6:30 PM this evening, the moon will reach its peak fullness and will be within Dhanistha Nakshatra, the lunar constellation at the very end of Capricorn. Dhanistha’s translation means  ‘the wealthiest’ and ‘the most beneficent’’. The Ancients correlated Dhanishta with the drum, the heartbeat of the universe, and a sense of good timing.

The flute, a hollow instrument, is another important symbol of this very musical nakshatra. When the moon is here, the aim is to empty ourselves, to become like hollow bamboo, consciously letting go of the complex stories and mental projections, so that the Wind & breath can flow through us with ease. Then we can become a channel of receptivity in tune with the cosmic sound & rhythm.  As the name Dhanishta suggests, this practice of emptying is a key in developing our wealth of virtues.

A retrograde Saturn is also occupying Dhanishta and will conjoin the full moon and oppose the Sun within 2 degrees. That’s tight. :) Saturn will definitely color the experience of this full moon bringing his slow, heavy, restrained & cautious energy to our field of thought and experience. While the light of both the Sun and Moon will shine on Saturn, highlighting what he has been up to in that part of Capricorn.

The weight of Saturn will be felt and can manifest as stress, fear, self-doubt, or the perception of obstruction even if just in subtle ways. Saturn’s lesson is always to slow down, let go, do the necessary work, stay committed and in Dhanishta, He is asking us to see where we are out of tune, where have we fallen out of our rhythm? Empty, Listen, Reorganize. 

The Sun and Venus are in Sidereal Cancer mutually aspecting this Moon / Saturn in Capricorn. Both Cancer and Capricorn are feminine signs, so it will anchor in this quality of receptivity and attunement, making sure that we check in with our heart before doing any reorganizing. Then get back to the drum and stick to the rhythm.


Soma, the water of the Moon, is being consumed by Agni, the fire of the Sun.


New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Bharani Nakshatra